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Japan has a long history of “old company” that last for more than 100 years.
The origin is, limited to the point that “old companies” are appreciated by local communities and societies.
“What and who is the business for?”
In modan society, overflowing with things, and new things are made much quicker in the flow of the times, and things are overflowing …
but why “old companies” are still in operative after few hundred of years?
The value of company, like “Old companies” are supported their businesses and services by local communties and societies since the “old companies” have been supported local communities and societies!
“What and how we can help in local communities and societis?”
simple questions like above leaded to sustanable company.
Conveying the philosophy of founder(s) with feelings and thoughts (DNA) to all of your employees, things start moving when they are sympathized and inspired then sharing the message around and it will be remembered.
The accumulation of “gratitude” is transforming the company into a sustanable company which starts from inside you company to outword, your employees to local society and world message receivers.
Our “Instructor System” is the key
Our “Instructor System” is the key to carry your DNA convert into message to your entire company to make all employees transform to “inspired employees” who will become your #1 fan and bring you to the success.
…and your solution is here.
Japan BIP & Consulting Services Ltd.
CEO Nicholas Arita